Testing & Treatment of Allergies by European Academy of Allergy And Clinical Immunology


The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology or EAACI is a scientific body made up of members from over 49 allergy societies. It also uses the services of investigators, clinicians, academicians, and researchers from hundreds of countries the world over. All this research, data collection, collating, and studies is being done to spread knowledge about this silent and underrated problem. Immune Response Allergies come in different forms, but basically it is how the immune system in the human body responds to ordinary and usually harmless substances, like certain foods, pollens, dust mites, dander, mould, etc. Typically most people have no reaction to these allergens, but in some individuals, they cause a mild to moderate or severe allergic reaction. Symptoms for these allergies include sneezing, congestion and runny nose, shortness of breath, itchy skin, rashes, and red eyes. Testing for allergies can be done either by a blood allergy test or a skin prick test; this involves scratching the patient’s skin with concentrated extracts of common allergens like pollen, dust mites, mould, dander, and foods. Skin Tests This kind of skin prick test is done for patients who have an aversion to needles and drawing blood, but has proved to be a good way to shortlist the trigger for the allergies and find the best course of treatment. Typical positive reactions to these allergens could manifest as severe itching or rash; patients will normally have to wait for around 15 to 20 minutes or more before any reaction can be observed. The type of treatment to be prescribed by the treating physician will be based on the severity of the reaction to the skin test. The other testing process for allergies is the blood allergy test which works by measuring the allergen-specific antibodies in the blood of the patient, because every individual trigger stimulates the body to produce individual antibodies to fight a specific allergen. Allergy Triggers Clinical allergy research is funded by many non-profit organizations like the EAACI in the hope that they come up with a cure for the many allergic conditions including substance, food and drug allergies. Allergy triggers are usually pollen from grasses and flowers, house dust mites, moulds, pet dander usually dogs, cats, rabbits, and/or other furry animals, foods like mild, peanuts, eggs, shellfish, etc., insect poison from bees or wasps, and certain medicines. The actual trigger is found out through a skin prick test, but it might take some time to narrow down the trigger. Symptoms associated with allergies include shortness of breath, rash, swelling, sneezing, itchiness in the eyes, ears, lips, throat, or mouth, vomiting and/or diarrhoea, etc. Based on the results of the test, doctors will come up with their treatment procedures.