The EAACI Fights For Improved Research & Development in Allergic Conditions


The subject of allergies is an issue that is not well-received by the public, because it affects so many people in different ways. There have been some years that allergies has reached pandemic proportions, especially with complaints of conjunctivitis, hay fever, rash, etc. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology has statistical proof that one out of every three children born suffers from some sort of allergy. Medical Condition Statistically, that figure is very surprising, and the EAACI expects more and more children and adults to get this dangerous medical condition. The only positive spin to this problem is that allergic reactions are non-fatal, but it causes severe problems to sufferers; some patients may experience a severe allergic reaction, anaphylaxis. The most common allergies advice given to patients or their families to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction is to avoid the problem causing allergen altogether.This requires identifying the trigger for a specific allergen and taking positive steps to avoiding any exposure to these allergens. For example, if dander is found to be the trigger for the patient’s allergies, then they will have to remove any pets from the home to reduce the symptoms. Hidden Allergens There have been cases where patients have had allergic reactions even after taking appropriate action to reduce symptoms; these reactionsare usually caused by accidentally consumption of the offending allergen i.e., peanuts, eggs, milk, soya, etc. Allergens that are present in the atmosphere may be more difficult to control, but pertinent allergies advicelike closing and sealing windows and doors during the pollen season could help reduce exposure. Food allergies are easier to control, but care has to be exercised when buying processed food, especially with hidden allergen ingredients which could trigger a sudden reaction. EAACI are doing their best to raise the profile of allergic diseases and bring these issues to the general public. Precautions Another big issue about an allergy which is often not given much importance is allergic rhinitis or hay fever as it is commonly known. This issue is an annual problem according to the EAACI, which is rampant in spring and summer with pollen being released by millions of flowers and grasses. It is often referred to as a childhood disease, but there have been cases where the issue has gone on to adulthood; typical symptoms include runny nose, itchy and red eyes, and excessive tears etc. Allergic diseases have the problem of limiting activities, exercises, and in some cases hurts the quality of life of the patient, especially if they are children. The best allergies advicefor this condition is to try and avoid the pollen released during that period and be ready with medications.